Sunday, February 27, 2011

A series of uneventful days~

1:23 AM / 0 comments
Yes, almost everything about this post is as mentioned in the title.. which is a different and nicer way of saying 'boring days' *blushes* LOL.

Speaking of which, it's been around 5 weeks of holidays already, and it macam passed sooooo fast!! (but slow also laa, hard to describe in words LOL). Now just left 1 week of holidays, but I feel as if this 1 week will be a long and super slooww week =.=


P.S. I must compliment myself for being so good at procrastinating most of the time during this sem break, HAHAHA. But yes, I know it's not a good thing =x But I got do my homeworks and practice one horr!


After owning the Ipad, I literally bring it anywhere wherever & whenever I go.. like 90% of the time. =.= For example, everytime I go yamaha, everytime I go teaching part-time, going salon, going relative's house, even going toilet.. and also yamaha toilet NO LA LOL, the last two is just sometimes only *blushes* ahh~! as if me and the Ipad are one complete being >.< homaigod, this is truly magnificent~!

SO!! what next?? huh huh!?! *does the wing chun stance* Well.. waiting eagerly for the next sem to start of course!! Apparently, there are only 3 students for this time's intake!? D: Before this I heard there were 8? Don't know lah, we shall find out once the timetable is out! >:D

That's all I guess! Later before I sleep I shall motivate myself to work hard and practice electone tomorrow.. which I will end up not practicing ._. but then the motivation is there!! weirdpok sickness lah! HAHA. Okay lah, bye all :D felt some sense of achievement after randomly updating blog! :D:D