Friday, April 16, 2010


7:14 PM / 0 comments
Yoyoyo everyone, apakah di atas! :D
Omg, I am getting more and more hardworking in updating my blog again, right right? HAHA. *looks at the duration between the last update and this update* Omg its herrible and torrible, it's been a longgggg while since my last update!!

Okie ignore that, let's just run straighttt to the topic! As straight as a wooden 30cm ruler, ahahahha!
Well~~ college life is gonna be much more easier for me now since now that I finally have a digital piano in my house! :D :D thanks to my beloved mum of course! LOL

See see! So new hor! *prouds* HAHA.

Yay, now I bila-bila also can practise piano! Ah, I better do, next week is my piano exam already, oh dabian!! Same goes for richard's homeworks! D:

Then you know hor, my digital piano is positioned in the living room mah. My gosh, now my living room is like.. well~ *points @ the pic below with my wooden 30cm ruler*

There, as you can see, all my instruments are here. electone la, piano la, violin la, guitar la, so packed lah omg *screams twice* oh and also my beloved tv, with the mini wall clock above :D

And then horr, last few days ago I.. I..!! I finally bought my 1st everrr hooded jacket!! Very the nice leh! (to me lah, HAHA)

And yes its a bluetoms's jacket, although its white in colour, LOL.

and.. (so many and(s) btw!)

Yes, the pimple-ful me wearing it! Oh yahor, this is how you can train your imagination! Imagine me without pimple! HAHAHHA. 38 me omg.

So yeah, thats all in this post!
Bye all! :D

eh, no this post haven't end yet, after this pic first!!

There, meet my 30cm wooden ruler!!
Ruler: "Hi and bye!"
this is so damn random HAHAHAHHA!! ok bye =x

Saturday, April 3, 2010

happy april fool! .. belated

6:52 PM / 0 comments
Extremely good evening to everyone~~

It's already April and 1st of april has passed by, which means no more april fooling to anyone or anything D:

And woot, guess what guess what~! read below! Happened on the one and only 1st of april *gasp*
Penny: Eh, celin is looking for you in studio 11! (this is meant to be an april fool joke)

Me: Oh is it?? Okay I will go there right now! (believed penny)
*runs to studio 11, enters, and then stands beside celin without saying anything

--few seconds later--

Celin: !! Oh yah weifung, I need to ask u something! *asks*


Penny: *bangs into the room* Happy April Fool weifung!! :D :D

Me: Ah?? apa april fool :O
So yah, celin memang is looking for me. Therefore, penny failed at april fooling me :D i am so lucky mannn, HAHA!

Okay, next topic~~
Mezzo Twelveto is back the back~!
It's time for Electone Festival again :D

Time to rehearse like mad again macam last year, wooh! And I guess I will have no more congo part this time >.> but I think enough of conga already la, this year try something different!

Then few days ago hor, we took a group photo of MT for the registration into the EF mah, very fun during the photo taking moment la HAHA.

Very nice hor the pic? LOL *perasan*

So yeahh thats all for this post of the century! *proud*
so bye all~~