Wednesday, May 30, 2007
12:06 AM /
omg! IT'S TEH FUNDAMENTAL GRADE 4 EXAM AFTERWARD IN THE AFTERNOON!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!! ok, at least i prepared xD so i hope can pass lor, den can liao, dowan so high expectation u.u
alright today is a dark, laggy and lazy day for me -_- right after i eat my lunch n dinner, i str8 away go to bed slp for 1 or 2 mins xD dam nice to sleep lar, the weather so dark yet no rain ._. ( haha, my 1 minute is like 10 mins XD ) as u know, im a laggy person u.u bwahahahha!
OH YEAH! SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE HAD HAPPENED!! in maple, i actually trained my character!! my char's % had been the same since.. erm.. last year -.- until today, i trained my char 1%!! woot! now 16% liao =D so i announced to my whole guild =x wat a memorable moment T.T
and as usual, audi was laggy xD so nvr play, and today i juz played 1 completed round of dota!! wakaka, me n my fren won the 2vs2 match xD i dk'ed 2 times =x woot so shiok la! ok, today is a short post ._., havta prepare for tomoro'w exam!! so better slp 1st, cya xD
alright today is a dark, laggy and lazy day for me -_- right after i eat my lunch n dinner, i str8 away go to bed slp for 1 or 2 mins xD dam nice to sleep lar, the weather so dark yet no rain ._. ( haha, my 1 minute is like 10 mins XD ) as u know, im a laggy person u.u bwahahahha!
OH YEAH! SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE HAD HAPPENED!! in maple, i actually trained my character!! my char's % had been the same since.. erm.. last year -.- until today, i trained my char 1%!! woot! now 16% liao =D so i announced to my whole guild =x wat a memorable moment T.T
and as usual, audi was laggy xD so nvr play, and today i juz played 1 completed round of dota!! wakaka, me n my fren won the 2vs2 match xD i dk'ed 2 times =x woot so shiok la! ok, today is a short post ._., havta prepare for tomoro'w exam!! so better slp 1st, cya xD
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
1:03 AM /
tuesday.. im gonna slp til 11am+ again and.. aiya, those usual things every1 will do while holiday'ing lor xD for example, the most common 1, play cpu, drink, kill mosquito, slack, spam, and most importantly.. EAT!! XD YES THTS RIGHT! EAT GARLIC BISCUIT! i wonder y im still not bored of it eventhou i eat it almost everytime -.- MUST BE FATE!! *drools*
2 mins sia!! so much diff liao!! xD woot! its once in a blue moon nia -.- i used 1 time hint btw =X
today audi comp got dced again -.- im starting to giv up audi comps, n wat a rainy day today is.. SO NICE TO SLP!! zz xD but then i didnt slp la, coz my eyes very big today, u might even tink that i am a big eyes ghost n die of shock quickly after u saw me, BWAHAHAHA!! xD
prepare! maple history part 9 will be coming soon, or was it part 8.. WALAO I EVEN FORGOT WHICH PART IM SUPPOSE TO TYPE!! omg im a failure T_T
ok, time to slp shiok shiok til 11+ xD morning all!
Monday, May 28, 2007
1:42 AM /
Paiseh! nvr been bloggin for da past 2 days bcoz my internet was Absolutely Extremely Amazingly Surprisingly laggy T_T login in audi takes like 1min+ which is very long alr compared wif others, which is oni a few seconds ._. besides that, i was also planning a master plan.. ehehehe.. a plan to rule them all... yes.. indeed.. ITS DOTA~!! MUAHAHAHA!! but den in the end all my attempt n strategy fail -.-
today for duno wat reason, my internet was bak to the normal spd o.o, can login audi normally, can play o2jam smoothly n can even blog normally!! woot! wahaha, today 1 of my fren bring me to a cyber cafe tht i nvr go before, whoa that cc is superb-ly shiok!! with 50++ of computers, n a very clean enviroment too! which means no1 can smoke in the cc xD.. but of coz will hav foul language la, those are UNSTOPPABLE!! XD yeah! i reminded myself about dota =x today play wif my fren in that cc and i scored 2dk(s) and 1 tk!! walao, 1st time i actually get TK in any of my dota match ._. i think every computer inside tht cc have almost all de on9 games, including new ones like granvado espada ( ps duno how to spell =x )
now for the happiest thing in life, ITS HOLIDAYS!! IT HAS STARTED!! WAHAHAHA DONT END SO FAST OR ELSE XD or else i oso duno wat -_- So far my plans for holidays,
a) kill at least 10 mosquitos for the whole holiday ( so far i killed 2 XD ) to help prevent more irritating sound when slping! wahaha!! see im so gud =X
b) stay at home play cpu n sleep n eat lor xD
c) -best 1- Amplify guild outing at 9th of june! details we r still planning u.u but it would be in sunway piramid, SO ANY1 WHO READS THIS IF WANNA JOIN DEN COME ON! but u hav to come urself =x we no more transportation LOL xD
d) hopefully i can pass my grade 4 fundamental!!! or else muz feel the fist of fury liao ehehehe
Seriously!! audi is getting sian without patch -.- it's been 1 month since the last patch sia! OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MY PANDA HAD EXPIRED!! T_T Fear not! i shall revive it when i have da cash *winks*
and thats all for now, watch out for tomorow's post!! ( hopefully ) =x
today for duno wat reason, my internet was bak to the normal spd o.o, can login audi normally, can play o2jam smoothly n can even blog normally!! woot! wahaha, today 1 of my fren bring me to a cyber cafe tht i nvr go before, whoa that cc is superb-ly shiok!! with 50++ of computers, n a very clean enviroment too! which means no1 can smoke in the cc xD.. but of coz will hav foul language la, those are UNSTOPPABLE!! XD yeah! i reminded myself about dota =x today play wif my fren in that cc and i scored 2dk(s) and 1 tk!! walao, 1st time i actually get TK in any of my dota match ._. i think every computer inside tht cc have almost all de on9 games, including new ones like granvado espada ( ps duno how to spell =x )
now for the happiest thing in life, ITS HOLIDAYS!! IT HAS STARTED!! WAHAHAHA DONT END SO FAST OR ELSE XD or else i oso duno wat -_- So far my plans for holidays,
a) kill at least 10 mosquitos for the whole holiday ( so far i killed 2 XD ) to help prevent more irritating sound when slping! wahaha!! see im so gud =X
b) stay at home play cpu n sleep n eat lor xD
c) -best 1- Amplify guild outing at 9th of june! details we r still planning u.u but it would be in sunway piramid, SO ANY1 WHO READS THIS IF WANNA JOIN DEN COME ON! but u hav to come urself =x we no more transportation LOL xD
d) hopefully i can pass my grade 4 fundamental!!! or else muz feel the fist of fury liao ehehehe
Seriously!! audi is getting sian without patch -.- it's been 1 month since the last patch sia! OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MY PANDA HAD EXPIRED!! T_T Fear not! i shall revive it when i have da cash *winks*
and thats all for now, watch out for tomorow's post!! ( hopefully ) =x
Saturday, May 26, 2007
12:05 AM /
today watched pirates of carribean 3 wif my mum xD the ticket was veli cheap sia!! rm5 per ticket!! they say for early bird promotion o_o, the 2nd show n later the tickets all rm9!! woot, saved almost rm10 from watching teh movie n the movie so long somemore!! 2hours 30mins like dat O_O oh n take note, thrs a scene after the credit xD of coz i wont tell wat izzit u.u
so another BRIEF review bout the show, CONTAINS SPOILER XD
so at 1st, erm.. the cinema got all the adds lor, OH YEAH I SAW 1 TRAILER DAM FUNNY XD at 1st, the trailer show a dog wearing like superman fly ard the city, dam funny la i tot it was juz an ad for sumthing.. but it is a show called Under Dog O.O almost choke out the wedges tht i smuggled inside ._. then theres another new jackie chan show, Rush Hour 3! xD jackie n the nigro.. erm.. goes on an adventure lor, duno la LOL =x
ok, finally.. the most intresting moment.. POTC3!! it begins wif siaosiao barbossa n elizabeth go meet chowyunfat ( a sg pirate ) trading and opposing duno wat =x ( sometimes cnt quite hear wat they say ) then after tht they say wan resque jack from the dead, i think la xD.. then they oso go resque lor, den in the end resque liao =x
so after they resque jack liao, the villains, the high class fellows and the squidman start appearing in the show, so i think they wanna kill jack or steal back the treasure or something else o.o, i oso quite blur in this ahahah XD then i got lost in the story line -_- but i like their action la.. OK i tell u 1 part dam funny.. it's somewhere in the beginning of the show.. while these 2 ships r vs'ing each other, a small guy was struggling to climb up of the hole to help his matey fight their enemy, den he climb up liao lo.. he oso takes out a shotgun and shoot the enemy 'BANG' and the impact was so great tht he fell bak into the hole LOL
whoa this review is really summarized until so brief sia o_o! ok now for the ending.. while turner's crew were fighting against the high class fellow n squidman's crew, will turner n elizabeth were proposing to each other, n barbosa the siaosiao man was the medium =x then they marry liao.. after that duno how turner tio stabbed by squidman n jack already stole the squidman's heart.. so then jack grabs turner's hand n let turner stab the squid's heart, whoever stab that heart, tht person will be heartless n immortal unless the heart tio stab again, then die lor =x so will replace the squidman to lead the monster ship xD
well, thts bout it, i give it a rating of 8/10, quite nice la xD
so another BRIEF review bout the show, CONTAINS SPOILER XD
so at 1st, erm.. the cinema got all the adds lor, OH YEAH I SAW 1 TRAILER DAM FUNNY XD at 1st, the trailer show a dog wearing like superman fly ard the city, dam funny la i tot it was juz an ad for sumthing.. but it is a show called Under Dog O.O almost choke out the wedges tht i smuggled inside ._. then theres another new jackie chan show, Rush Hour 3! xD jackie n the nigro.. erm.. goes on an adventure lor, duno la LOL =x
ok, finally.. the most intresting moment.. POTC3!! it begins wif siaosiao barbossa n elizabeth go meet chowyunfat ( a sg pirate ) trading and opposing duno wat =x ( sometimes cnt quite hear wat they say ) then after tht they say wan resque jack from the dead, i think la xD.. then they oso go resque lor, den in the end resque liao =x
so after they resque jack liao, the villains, the high class fellows and the squidman start appearing in the show, so i think they wanna kill jack or steal back the treasure or something else o.o, i oso quite blur in this ahahah XD then i got lost in the story line -_- but i like their action la.. OK i tell u 1 part dam funny.. it's somewhere in the beginning of the show.. while these 2 ships r vs'ing each other, a small guy was struggling to climb up of the hole to help his matey fight their enemy, den he climb up liao lo.. he oso takes out a shotgun and shoot the enemy 'BANG' and the impact was so great tht he fell bak into the hole LOL
whoa this review is really summarized until so brief sia o_o! ok now for the ending.. while turner's crew were fighting against the high class fellow n squidman's crew, will turner n elizabeth were proposing to each other, n barbosa the siaosiao man was the medium =x then they marry liao.. after that duno how turner tio stabbed by squidman n jack already stole the squidman's heart.. so then jack grabs turner's hand n let turner stab the squid's heart, whoever stab that heart, tht person will be heartless n immortal unless the heart tio stab again, then die lor =x so will replace the squidman to lead the monster ship xD
well, thts bout it, i give it a rating of 8/10, quite nice la xD
Friday, May 25, 2007
2:17 AM /
And i got my my malay and admaths paper 1 marks today XD
for malay, i got 62%!! that is so much to me liao sia! but for admaths paper 1, i oni get 29 out of 80 =x ad maths were juz too hard la, wonder y =x
since exams is over today for me, I SHALL PONTENG SCH TOMOROW!! BWAHAHAHA!! infact, only 3 chinese in my class going to sch tomoro, 2 of them were forced to coz of some work and 1 of them were.. nomatter wat u say, he ll go to sch -.- and tomorow is 'The Day'.. EHEHEHE!! =x im toking nonsense -_-, anyway.. SCHOOL FTW!! COZ GOT HOLIDAY!!
today in audi, the competition server dced again after i played 1st round.. anyway, the 1st round i dropped out liao LOL, so... tomoro go join again la! XD Whoever wanna find me in audition, u may find me at 9:15pm+, coz i will most probably login that time and, play the comp oni =x unless there r some buddies of mine online, den i will be at audi longer u_u but WAIT!! IT'S HOLIDAY MOOD ISNT IT!? SO I WILL PLAY LONGER XD but today dam laggy la.. so nvr play much ._. the lag got so bad until when i play against other player, when they reached fm, i were still stucked in lvl 5 O.O COOL!! XD it ll be a miracle if i get to lvl 6 xD
n since exam is over.. i shall start planning on how to conquer this world.. behold~! teh power of mana!! MUAHAHA!! ( juz ignore me xD )
And i got my my malay and admaths paper 1 marks today XD
for malay, i got 62%!! that is so much to me liao sia! but for admaths paper 1, i oni get 29 out of 80 =x ad maths were juz too hard la, wonder y =x
since exams is over today for me, I SHALL PONTENG SCH TOMOROW!! BWAHAHAHA!! infact, only 3 chinese in my class going to sch tomoro, 2 of them were forced to coz of some work and 1 of them were.. nomatter wat u say, he ll go to sch -.- and tomorow is 'The Day'.. EHEHEHE!! =x im toking nonsense -_-, anyway.. SCHOOL FTW!! COZ GOT HOLIDAY!!
today in audi, the competition server dced again after i played 1st round.. anyway, the 1st round i dropped out liao LOL, so... tomoro go join again la! XD Whoever wanna find me in audition, u may find me at 9:15pm+, coz i will most probably login that time and, play the comp oni =x unless there r some buddies of mine online, den i will be at audi longer u_u but WAIT!! IT'S HOLIDAY MOOD ISNT IT!? SO I WILL PLAY LONGER XD but today dam laggy la.. so nvr play much ._. the lag got so bad until when i play against other player, when they reached fm, i were still stucked in lvl 5 O.O COOL!! XD it ll be a miracle if i get to lvl 6 xD
n since exam is over.. i shall start planning on how to conquer this world.. behold~! teh power of mana!! MUAHAHA!! ( juz ignore me xD )
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
10:16 PM /
ahahahaha!! i musnt be dreaming!! this time its real!! EXAM IS 2 DAYS FROM OVER!! GOOOOOOOOOOD!! FRIDAY CAN PONTENG WAKAKAKA xD ( dont tel anyone =x ) then i ll go n watch pirates of carribbean 3 with my mum u_u then after that maybe will go to cc with my frens, if the time is right la, coz duno wat show they watching and their show might end at different time >.>
oops oh yeah! ytd nvr post bout physics, paper 1 was all objective, dunno la! i feel like 60% bout it, the one i dunno just anyhow shoot lor xD then i go compare answer with teh smart 1, ALMOST ALL SAME LEH!! MEANS I WILL GET HIGH MARKS LOL, den paper 2 was quite.. hard abit la, skipped some xD those essay question i write halfway den duno how to write liao -.-
then today was.. SIANESS!! while they were having chinese/islam exam tht time, i took out my biology text book to read.. ( OMG IM SO HARDWORKING!! ) xD after i read halfway i fell asleep for like 20 mins -_- then i take out teh music hw and do til.. slp again, WOOT! anyway, biology was unshioking >.> almost quarter til half of the question i not sure de, wheee die liao xD
i wonder.. y do all those hard paper hav to be in these last 2 days?? -_- all the 3paper oso paper 3, which is, experimental work xD i oso not sure how la, nvr did these kind of exam before, hmm.. tomoro will be physics and chem paper 3, and thurs will be the worst 1!! biology paper 3 xD AND HALLELUYAH! ALL EXAM ARE BANISHED!! WOOT!
tomoro post more!! cya, off to study le!! T_T
oops oh yeah! ytd nvr post bout physics, paper 1 was all objective, dunno la! i feel like 60% bout it, the one i dunno just anyhow shoot lor xD then i go compare answer with teh smart 1, ALMOST ALL SAME LEH!! MEANS I WILL GET HIGH MARKS LOL, den paper 2 was quite.. hard abit la, skipped some xD those essay question i write halfway den duno how to write liao -.-
then today was.. SIANESS!! while they were having chinese/islam exam tht time, i took out my biology text book to read.. ( OMG IM SO HARDWORKING!! ) xD after i read halfway i fell asleep for like 20 mins -_- then i take out teh music hw and do til.. slp again, WOOT! anyway, biology was unshioking >.> almost quarter til half of the question i not sure de, wheee die liao xD
i wonder.. y do all those hard paper hav to be in these last 2 days?? -_- all the 3paper oso paper 3, which is, experimental work xD i oso not sure how la, nvr did these kind of exam before, hmm.. tomoro will be physics and chem paper 3, and thurs will be the worst 1!! biology paper 3 xD AND HALLELUYAH! ALL EXAM ARE BANISHED!! WOOT!
tomoro post more!! cya, off to study le!! T_T
Saturday, May 19, 2007
My Maple History Part 7
1:01 AM /

OK! So last week the hist-or... WAIT!! IT WASN'T LAST WEEK <.<.. it's.. 1st of may which means.. 18 days ago.. 18 days = 2weeks 4 days!! OMGOSH IM SO SMART!! >_< LOL, So.. the last 2 weeks and 4 days ago, the maple history part 6 ended with the intro to skype and also ended with this line, "and so, after that.. GUESS WAT!! SHOOTER HE.. HE!!.." ( i just reminded myself that i havent been skyping for months -_- )
So guess what..!? Shooter teh bangla, he then bought a mic!! wah his mic ah.. very geng xD he do the hardo ghay HOOOOOOOOOOOO~ very.. -_- LOUDER THAN MY HOOOOO~ wth!! xD so while fungi training his char in maple, that same old pixie map, he was skyping with shooter and chief.. So then, fungii keep cursing the pixies with voice eg. "tuk lei de sei yan ngan, seh lei de sam", while shooter he.. listen to jrock jpop.. i think ._. and chief happily humming some songs! like a mini-market xD
SUDDENLY.. shooter did something absolutely amazing.. he HOOOOOO~ed and i almost tio killed by pixies.. see la! the power of hardo ghey~ HOOOOOO~ ok back to topic xD So by the time fungi reached lvl 60, it's december 2005.. So, fungi curiously searches his inventory, he checked how much mesos he has and it was 2million mesos. Then after checking, he shouted "IM THE RICHEST FELLOW IN THIS WORLD~!!" and ends the sentence with the infamous yet evil-enough sinister laugh. So for a moment, he dreamt of what he looked like after buying his dream suit..
After shouting and laughing until he is satisfied, he goes back to orbis and begins to start his first step to achieve world domination by buying his lvl 60 weapon, the Asianic, which costs him about 1.9million mesos.. Just right after he bought his asianic, he then realized that he left 100k mesos, and he goes to his storage thinking that his storage has at least 10million mesos. After he checked his storage, he shouts "IM THE POOREST FELLOW IN THIS WORLD~!!" followed by a evil-enough sinister cry. That is because his storage is empty. u_u
So he said to himself, "I shall be the 1st to achieve world domination without mesos!!" followed by a sinister cough. After that, he continues to train in cloud park VI with his new-bought Asianic Bow, infused with the power of fungi and pogi~ .. there he trained until lvl 65 then suddenly he heard a feint voice calling him "fungi~" repeatedly, so he is confused and wondering whose voice could that be..
SUDDENLY THE VOICE SHOUT "FUNGI~....."................~
to be continued xD
SUDDENLY THE VOICE SHOUT "FUNGI~....."................~
to be continued xD
Friday, May 18, 2007
1:21 AM /
Omg!! Now i realize something again!! i think ah.. biology is the hardest subject for me -.- so far la, coz eventhou i read all those topic liao, but i still cnt answer teh question relating that topic!! o_____o.. aiya nvm la! mid-year exam oni mar =X not year-end exam oso LOL =x
but still.. >_>
(duno y cant post picture -.-, i will post it tomoro in here) or maybe put a link, now late liao needa slp! =x
so i won 1st, xtouran won 2nd, n lilsaint won 3rd.. they are VERY geng audition player!! the battle was intense n shiok'ing thou =x very chigek xD
eh, tomoro de subject no nid study much =x maybe for the PJK ( Health Education ) and im clueless about this subject -_- while maths shud be.. normal.. xD maybe need to explain lor, coz it's in subjective, then the day after tomorow is.. ...!! *drops handphone* SATURDAY!!! ITS SATURDAY THE DAY AFTER TOMOROW!! *tears drop n roll on the floor*... *snaps out of my dream*.. AH!! MY HANDPHONE!! WHO DROPPED IT HUH HUH!?! wait.. was it me..? ._. gosh, i got influenced by Cheers Beer =O kewl
Tomoro i will post more! cya xD
but still.. >_>
(duno y cant post picture -.-, i will post it tomoro in here) or maybe put a link, now late liao needa slp! =x
so i won 1st, xtouran won 2nd, n lilsaint won 3rd.. they are VERY geng audition player!! the battle was intense n shiok'ing thou =x very chigek xD
eh, tomoro de subject no nid study much =x maybe for the PJK ( Health Education ) and im clueless about this subject -_- while maths shud be.. normal.. xD maybe need to explain lor, coz it's in subjective, then the day after tomorow is.. ...!! *drops handphone* SATURDAY!!! ITS SATURDAY THE DAY AFTER TOMOROW!! *tears drop n roll on the floor*... *snaps out of my dream*.. AH!! MY HANDPHONE!! WHO DROPPED IT HUH HUH!?! wait.. was it me..? ._. gosh, i got influenced by Cheers Beer =O kewl
Tomoro i will post more! cya xD
Thursday, May 17, 2007
12:09 AM /
Gosh.. I had just realized that i havent been updating my maple history!!! WAAAA!! nvm! i will update when i have teh time =X its been.. 1week+ since my last maple history, hmmm i will try make this a big one! but the success % will be oni 10% xD so dont expect much bout my maple history part 7! XD
Ooh btw, i added a new song to my blog >>
the 1 im talking about ytd xD, do listen u.u
Wahaha! ytd night i had created a new email address juz for signing in to msn! i got tired of waiting 4 teh long time of login in ebuddy >.> for some reason, my old email cant login msn, but i tried using other email and guess wat.. CAN LOGIN!! omg.. msn is so biased to my email T_T nvm! at least now i can login using my new email =x and for those who i didnt add yet, plz add my new msn,, or leave ur tag here so that i ll add u =P
waaaaaaaaaaaaa!! tomoro got biology!! SHIOK-less xD ._. i juz studied, n guess wat.. i oni remember like 3/8 of wat i juz read -_-, so many process or structures or systems to remember sia!! i wonder how teh bookworms manage to rmb all of them.. did they used the forbidden technique i wonder..!?!? ._. ANY1! can tell me how to improve my memory!? XD wahaha! AUDI FTW~! =x
yeh! i just entered audi comp again juz now, got into semi-final den drop off liao >_> noo.. i deproved T__T after exam over liao i muz train audi le!! HEHA! whee i love exam XD coz once tht particular paper over liao, i ll feel chigekness~ den next paper start again -.-, den over again n i feel chigekness again~ den again next paper start, n den few hours later over liao i feel chigekness again.. den... ( continues foverer ) XD sry wasted ur 10seconds+ reading the previous sentence =X HAHA XD
alright, better revise abit of biology 1st -_- bb all
Ooh btw, i added a new song to my blog >>
the 1 im talking about ytd xD, do listen u.u
Wahaha! ytd night i had created a new email address juz for signing in to msn! i got tired of waiting 4 teh long time of login in ebuddy >.> for some reason, my old email cant login msn, but i tried using other email and guess wat.. CAN LOGIN!! omg.. msn is so biased to my email T_T nvm! at least now i can login using my new email =x and for those who i didnt add yet, plz add my new msn,, or leave ur tag here so that i ll add u =P
waaaaaaaaaaaaa!! tomoro got biology!! SHIOK-less xD ._. i juz studied, n guess wat.. i oni remember like 3/8 of wat i juz read -_-, so many process or structures or systems to remember sia!! i wonder how teh bookworms manage to rmb all of them.. did they used the forbidden technique i wonder..!?!? ._. ANY1! can tell me how to improve my memory!? XD wahaha! AUDI FTW~! =x
yeh! i just entered audi comp again juz now, got into semi-final den drop off liao >_> noo.. i deproved T__T after exam over liao i muz train audi le!! HEHA! whee i love exam XD coz once tht particular paper over liao, i ll feel chigekness~ den next paper start again -.-, den over again n i feel chigekness again~ den again next paper start, n den few hours later over liao i feel chigekness again.. den... ( continues foverer ) XD sry wasted ur 10seconds+ reading the previous sentence =X HAHA XD
alright, better revise abit of biology 1st -_- bb all
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
12:08 AM /
Whoa! today's admaths was.. TERRIBLE!! MADNESS!! OH NO, MY BRAIN!! alright, lets stop talking about my brain n a brief review on admaths 1st xD
if any lower secondary reading this, WAHAHA!! PREPARE =X ( i mean msia de student )
Today we 1st start off wif paper 2, which is as usual.. 3 sections -.-, section A = do all 6 questions, section B = do 4 out of 5 questions, and section C = do 2 out of 4 questions.. section C was the easiest!! coz right bfore the test i got remember the formula =X but section B i skipped 3 questions -.- so i lose 30 marks like dat for sure T_T stupid complicated questions >_>
As for paper 1, it has 25 questions and i skipped 7 questions =X WAHAHA! im just aiming for pass, so shud be able to get it ( hopefully ) >_> AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!! NO MORE ADMATHS!! MERDERKA~!! LETS CELEBRATE =D whee tomoro no nid go to sch coz teacher day tomorow, which means..
Teacher's Day = no teaching = no studying = no need go school = can skip school = ponteng = shiok!! WOOT! which means tomoro i ponteng XD dont tell any1 =x
thats all for today, cya xD
if any lower secondary reading this, WAHAHA!! PREPARE =X ( i mean msia de student )
Today we 1st start off wif paper 2, which is as usual.. 3 sections -.-, section A = do all 6 questions, section B = do 4 out of 5 questions, and section C = do 2 out of 4 questions.. section C was the easiest!! coz right bfore the test i got remember the formula =X but section B i skipped 3 questions -.- so i lose 30 marks like dat for sure T_T stupid complicated questions >_>
As for paper 1, it has 25 questions and i skipped 7 questions =X WAHAHA! im just aiming for pass, so shud be able to get it ( hopefully ) >_> AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!! NO MORE ADMATHS!! MERDERKA~!! LETS CELEBRATE =D whee tomoro no nid go to sch coz teacher day tomorow, which means..
Teacher's Day = no teaching = no studying = no need go school = can skip school = ponteng = shiok!! WOOT! which means tomoro i ponteng XD dont tell any1 =x
thats all for today, cya xD
Monday, May 14, 2007
9:55 PM /
I can sense it.. the excitement... the intense.. last but not the least.. the s3xyness.. oops =x
u all must be... waiting for my chemistry review until jaw oso dropping liao LOL, haha jkjk xD
alright, today's chemistry was...!! not hard + not easy = normal!! whee im normal <3~
paper 1 was REALLY OBJECTIVE!! SO CAN SHOOT THE QUESTIONS THAT I DUNNO XD alright.. calm down leost.. ok! let me ask u all, which country does the word 'kimia' comes from? who gets it correct gets a mystery prize!! xD ( schoolmates are not allowed to answer u_u )
then chem paper 2 was.. surprisingly normal o.o, i tot it was hard, it consist of section A B and C, section A = all subjective question ( skipped 3 questions ), B = choose 1 out of 2 question ( subjective + mini-essay ), and C = oso choose 1 out of 2 question ( skipped 4 out of 5 questions, which means i oni get 5 marks at most =X ) waaa shiok la!! no more chem xD WOOO~~
eh wait, tomorow is admaths..!! more die -.- havent study yet O.O later den i go study =x
hey! try going n dl this song! Tenjou wo Kakeru Monotachi by Love Planet Five! its veli the nice! XD
oh btw! i shall intro u to the infamous yet famous Tic Tac~!!
wahaha i know ur saliva must be dropping! *winks*
worry not! i will finish all of them 1st =x off to study xD
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
8:51 PM /
OK! 1st of all, i wanna wish my mum TEH HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! She is teh best mum ever! haha, to me xD muz thx to her for always making me stress-fulless n cheerful u.u sent her e-card as usual =x she said, not necessary today oni mother's day, as long as everyday treat her nice is mother's day liao, hmm, i kinda agree XD
and i juz study til chapter 3, the test until chapter 4.. WOOT! 1 MORE CHAPTER TO STUDY!! but wait, i keep forgetting the formula n the points -_- so have to brieftly revise again.. and most imptntly, TOMOROW OSO MUZ LAST MINUTE STUDY XD then some question if duno can juz shoot!! HEY WAIT! i dont think chemistry have objective questions ._. WAAA IM DEAD!! nvm! i can do it xD
aha! before i study all those, must blog 1st!!
ok lets see got what to blog.. i shall update those crappy stuff then =D
Today is a hawt day, eventhou it's raining now.. but my bet is that this rain ll be a stingy rain, n make the enviroment even hawter.. hawt~ then this evening 1 of my friend came to my hse to.. PLAY!! he is teh student who always get full A ( at the most 2 B's' ) we played one piece n i win him more than he win me!! BWAHAHAHAH! eh i know tomoro hav exam -_- i will study tonite dont worry =P
and most importantly, i killed 2 mosquitos today!! 1 in the afternoon n 1 in the evening xD
so lihai right!? yeah i knew it.. =x and tomorow is CC day again =D time is sure fast!!
alright time to stop blogging and..... errr.. well we will see.. HAHA! bb all xD
and i juz study til chapter 3, the test until chapter 4.. WOOT! 1 MORE CHAPTER TO STUDY!! but wait, i keep forgetting the formula n the points -_- so have to brieftly revise again.. and most imptntly, TOMOROW OSO MUZ LAST MINUTE STUDY XD then some question if duno can juz shoot!! HEY WAIT! i dont think chemistry have objective questions ._. WAAA IM DEAD!! nvm! i can do it xD
aha! before i study all those, must blog 1st!!
ok lets see got what to blog.. i shall update those crappy stuff then =D
Today is a hawt day, eventhou it's raining now.. but my bet is that this rain ll be a stingy rain, n make the enviroment even hawter.. hawt~ then this evening 1 of my friend came to my hse to.. PLAY!! he is teh student who always get full A ( at the most 2 B's' ) we played one piece n i win him more than he win me!! BWAHAHAHAH! eh i know tomoro hav exam -_- i will study tonite dont worry =P
and most importantly, i killed 2 mosquitos today!! 1 in the afternoon n 1 in the evening xD
so lihai right!? yeah i knew it.. =x and tomorow is CC day again =D time is sure fast!!
alright time to stop blogging and..... errr.. well we will see.. HAHA! bb all xD
Friday, May 11, 2007
1:25 PM /
As title!! 1 week of exam is over!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO~ shiok XD
but 2 more weeks to go -_-
woot! still, NO MORE BM, NO MORE HISTORY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... NO MORE ..... errr wait.. STILL GOT AD MATHS AND... BIOCHEMPHY!!! NOOOOOO T_T NVM! I CAN DO IT!! XD ( last min study as usual ) =x
Yesterday's history was... unshioking n deshioking >_> the 1st paper was all objective, which was quite easy.. cause can anyhow shoot if duno the answer xD but for the 2nd paper, whoa! cant shoot, cause all subjective at the section A, and section B i gotta choose 3 out of 5 essays to do, oh well, the last question i skipped =x
Then for today THE EXAMS WERE SO EASY!!! =x moral exam came 1st, i finish it in 2 hours time -.- so much questions sia, somemore all subjective T_T then for maths 1, ahahahahhaa..! close eyes also can do =x review on 1 of the question, ( all the questions was objective btw )
which of the following is a FALSE statement
a.2+3 = 5
b.-5 < 3
c.petaling jaya is located in perak
d.all triangles have 3 sides
HAHAHA! answer is c, whoever gets this wrong ah... then... FEEL MY FIST OF UNLIMITED POTENTIAL! =X
alright! maybe update my beloved blog again tonite xD bb all
but 2 more weeks to go -_-
woot! still, NO MORE BM, NO MORE HISTORY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... NO MORE ..... errr wait.. STILL GOT AD MATHS AND... BIOCHEMPHY!!! NOOOOOO T_T NVM! I CAN DO IT!! XD ( last min study as usual ) =x
Yesterday's history was... unshioking n deshioking >_> the 1st paper was all objective, which was quite easy.. cause can anyhow shoot if duno the answer xD but for the 2nd paper, whoa! cant shoot, cause all subjective at the section A, and section B i gotta choose 3 out of 5 essays to do, oh well, the last question i skipped =x
Then for today THE EXAMS WERE SO EASY!!! =x moral exam came 1st, i finish it in 2 hours time -.- so much questions sia, somemore all subjective T_T then for maths 1, ahahahahhaa..! close eyes also can do =x review on 1 of the question, ( all the questions was objective btw )
which of the following is a FALSE statement
a.2+3 = 5
b.-5 < 3
c.petaling jaya is located in perak
d.all triangles have 3 sides
HAHAHA! answer is c, whoever gets this wrong ah... then... FEEL MY FIST OF UNLIMITED POTENTIAL! =X
alright! maybe update my beloved blog again tonite xD bb all
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The 1st day of exam
11:00 PM /
Finally, my mid-year exam started n today we got BM ( Malay Language ). it was so... TIRING!! the paper 2 ah, got 4 questions oni, yeah.. i thought that was little, but then when i tot i write so much liao then i see the paper.. "WHAT!? STILL GOT 2 MORE QUESTIONS?" omg, nowonder it was a 2 hour n 30 mins paper ._. SAY NO TO EXAMS!! YAY! xD
then recess for 15 mins after the paper 2, then after recess liao, take paper 1 ._. OMG PAPER 1 WAS... at least abit easier =x paper 1 = 2 essay questions.. the 1st question is entitled 'The Importance of Water', then the 2nd n also the last question.. ( YES!! LAST QUESTION!! =D ) they gave us 5 choices, so i chose the 2nd 1, which is.. young generations nwadays dont really appreciate the national day, so i have to state teh reason or consequences or watever i like la xD
aiya, so not used to it.. BM paper is over, so sad.. wat lar them, oni give us 2 BM paper >_>
LOL, no way i will let them give us extra BM exam!! XD so tomorow should be the easiest subject out of all other sub ._. which means... after tomoro, all the hard ones r gonna come!! NOOOOOO, nvm! at least no more BM for me, MUAHAHA! XD
alright better read teh novel 1st, bb all xD
then recess for 15 mins after the paper 2, then after recess liao, take paper 1 ._. OMG PAPER 1 WAS... at least abit easier =x paper 1 = 2 essay questions.. the 1st question is entitled 'The Importance of Water', then the 2nd n also the last question.. ( YES!! LAST QUESTION!! =D ) they gave us 5 choices, so i chose the 2nd 1, which is.. young generations nwadays dont really appreciate the national day, so i have to state teh reason or consequences or watever i like la xD
aiya, so not used to it.. BM paper is over, so sad.. wat lar them, oni give us 2 BM paper >_>
LOL, no way i will let them give us extra BM exam!! XD so tomorow should be the easiest subject out of all other sub ._. which means... after tomoro, all the hard ones r gonna come!! NOOOOOO, nvm! at least no more BM for me, MUAHAHA! XD
alright better read teh novel 1st, bb all xD
Sunday, May 6, 2007
10:27 PM /
Today went in audi n played wif minkeh n wasabi for so long! LAGGERS INC ROX! HAHA! I know exam is nearing, dont worry, i got study abit, well.. at least la!
heres teh ss xD

SHIOK!! almost get 1.5m, but couldnt! coz i missed the last fm T_T
ah nvm, this is already good enuf le, lolz, so lucky xD
So tomorow is sch day FULL of revisions coz the following day is an exam day ._. oh well.. anyway tomorow is also cc day!! which motivates me =D ahahhaha!
so thats all for today ._. nth much le, and bb all! XD
heres teh ss xD

SHIOK!! almost get 1.5m, but couldnt! coz i missed the last fm T_T
ah nvm, this is already good enuf le, lolz, so lucky xD
So tomorow is sch day FULL of revisions coz the following day is an exam day ._. oh well.. anyway tomorow is also cc day!! which motivates me =D ahahhaha!
so thats all for today ._. nth much le, and bb all! XD
Saturday, May 5, 2007
9:17 PM /
Tonight... I shall intro to u all.. ah.. dowan say the name 1st xD
oh well.. teenagers nowadays sure like to take photos! but many of teh photos r either taken from odd angles.. heavy make-ups or/and even the same posture!!
well.. INCLUDING.... SKELETON .. O.O !?!?

Mr. Skeleton : Hi~~ *winks* ( eh.. cannot wink )

SO EXCITED!!! n btw y got 3 hands!!


waa~ so sweeet~~

Mr. Skeleton : Yaa~~!
I wonder.. If Mr. Skeleton...
Mr.Skeleton : Eeyeeehh~ call me Ton Ton~!
alright.. Ton Ton, are u... a he/she or.... gay*cough alot of times*

credits are ALL given to sharon aka norahs teh egg! XD
oh well.. teenagers nowadays sure like to take photos! but many of teh photos r either taken from odd angles.. heavy make-ups or/and even the same posture!!
well.. INCLUDING.... SKELETON .. O.O !?!?

Mr. Skeleton : Hi~~ *winks* ( eh.. cannot wink )

SO EXCITED!!! n btw y got 3 hands!!


waa~ so sweeet~~

Mr. Skeleton : Yaa~~!
I wonder.. If Mr. Skeleton...
Mr.Skeleton : Eeyeeehh~ call me Ton Ton~!
alright.. Ton Ton, are u... a he/she or.... gay*cough alot of times*

credits are ALL given to sharon aka norahs teh egg! XD
3:04 PM /
YAY FINALLY ELECTONE FESTIVAL IS OVER! i dont have to worry bout it anymore liao xD now is the mid-year exam -.- 3 weeks sia, dam sian.. whee at least i studied admaths =X well.. other than admaths.. i still havent study other subs yet -.-
Ok, today.. instead of nervous, it was.. FUN!! and im enjoying it =x except for the waiting part laa.. today go in the yamaha building, den take my entry.. i tot i was early but i was not -.- so left 1 entry, which is.. no.1, which means im the 1st to perform T_T then they giv me a form to write my name, song title and... msg to audience!! walao, i duno wat msg to write sia.. so i juz write "ENJOY THE MUSIC" LOL, while other write like so much nicer than mine, they write longer n more detailed -.- ah nvm bout this
Then.. the 1st session is sound check, every1 take turn to practice their piece for 1 last time lor and im the last to go sound check, wait till... ATE HALF OF MY TIC TAC ORANGE FLAVOUR LIAO!! SO TASTY SIA!! XD sound check finished at 2, then 2:30 is already teh starting of performance n im the 1st to perform -.- die >_>
so in the end i get 2nd =x for junior category, wahahahha! the 1 got 1st dam lihai ._. now juz see whether i can get into finals or not which ll be held at klcc duno wat auditorium at 17th june.. IF I GET INTO IT ANY1 OF U IF FREE THEN COME XD the ticket rm20 nia =x but no nid think bout it 1st la, lazy..
btw this is my certificate and.. medal? xD
1 more thing.. every1.. i got a important announcement to make.. I FOUND A NEW LOVE!! TIC TAC ORANGE FLAVOUR! XD 7-11 got sell 1, so nice to eat it *drools*
alright i guess thats it xD
Ok, today.. instead of nervous, it was.. FUN!! and im enjoying it =x except for the waiting part laa.. today go in the yamaha building, den take my entry.. i tot i was early but i was not -.- so left 1 entry, which is.. no.1, which means im the 1st to perform T_T then they giv me a form to write my name, song title and... msg to audience!! walao, i duno wat msg to write sia.. so i juz write "ENJOY THE MUSIC" LOL, while other write like so much nicer than mine, they write longer n more detailed -.- ah nvm bout this
Then.. the 1st session is sound check, every1 take turn to practice their piece for 1 last time lor and im the last to go sound check, wait till... ATE HALF OF MY TIC TAC ORANGE FLAVOUR LIAO!! SO TASTY SIA!! XD sound check finished at 2, then 2:30 is already teh starting of performance n im the 1st to perform -.- die >_>
so in the end i get 2nd =x for junior category, wahahahha! the 1 got 1st dam lihai ._. now juz see whether i can get into finals or not which ll be held at klcc duno wat auditorium at 17th june.. IF I GET INTO IT ANY1 OF U IF FREE THEN COME XD the ticket rm20 nia =x but no nid think bout it 1st la, lazy..
btw this is my certificate and.. medal? xD
1 more thing.. every1.. i got a important announcement to make.. I FOUND A NEW LOVE!! TIC TAC ORANGE FLAVOUR! XD 7-11 got sell 1, so nice to eat it *drools*
alright i guess thats it xD
Friday, May 4, 2007
(not so) Brief review on spiderman 3
12:33 AM /
Woot! today juz watched spiderman 3 with my mum XD
SO NICE LA! coz the seat infront of us no1 sitting, so can watch the movie perfectly n peacefully!! wahahahahha!! somemore i smuggle some wedges i ta pau from KFC into the cinema n eat it =x SO TASTY SIA! LONG TIME NO EAT WEDGES LE T_T dam.. i reminded myself dat i nvr eat mashed potato for ages ._. i wan it O.O
okok now, back to the movie
Peter parker, aka spiderman, aka superman no.2 (coz of their blue/red colour), aka.. ah i cant think anymore -.- so he now officially hav a gf called.. mary jane and then later in the show they break up and then finally at the end of the show they were together again =x for the villains, spiderman found out tht the sandman killed his uncle.. so he sought for revenge, but in the end he know tht the sandman actually nvr kill his uncle n the sandman nvr die.. the sandman bcame sand n duno fly to whr n he live happily ever after, LOL, ok i know im lame xD
As for the spiderman becoming black, it is bcoz he ate too much drug, ah jkjk xD.. its bcoz when he n m.j. go pak tor ( honeymoon ), there is a mini-meteor came from duno where fall nearby them but they nvr notice da meteor.. then from the meteor, got a black thingy aka alien drug come out, duno wat izzit la.. but 1 thing is.. ITS BLACK!! O.O so the alien drug moves itself to p.p.'s bike, after that, while p.p. is sleeping n having nitemare, the alien drug crawl all over p.p.'s body n den p.p. become black spiderman liao..
for green goblin, at 1st he is bad guy, then he go vs spiderman.. he lost to and he lost his memory partially, so he became gud.. but when he remember everything liao, he became bad again.. but in the end, he became gud AGAIN to help spiderman fite sandman and venom, and in the end he died =x ya rly!
So for venom, well i lazy explain =x go see the movie for urself! wahahah! and overally, i give it 8.5/10 rating u.u u should watch it =P
well, thats all!
SO NICE LA! coz the seat infront of us no1 sitting, so can watch the movie perfectly n peacefully!! wahahahahha!! somemore i smuggle some wedges i ta pau from KFC into the cinema n eat it =x SO TASTY SIA! LONG TIME NO EAT WEDGES LE T_T dam.. i reminded myself dat i nvr eat mashed potato for ages ._. i wan it O.O
okok now, back to the movie
Peter parker, aka spiderman, aka superman no.2 (coz of their blue/red colour), aka.. ah i cant think anymore -.- so he now officially hav a gf called.. mary jane and then later in the show they break up and then finally at the end of the show they were together again =x for the villains, spiderman found out tht the sandman killed his uncle.. so he sought for revenge, but in the end he know tht the sandman actually nvr kill his uncle n the sandman nvr die.. the sandman bcame sand n duno fly to whr n he live happily ever after, LOL, ok i know im lame xD
As for the spiderman becoming black, it is bcoz he ate too much drug, ah jkjk xD.. its bcoz when he n m.j. go pak tor ( honeymoon ), there is a mini-meteor came from duno where fall nearby them but they nvr notice da meteor.. then from the meteor, got a black thingy aka alien drug come out, duno wat izzit la.. but 1 thing is.. ITS BLACK!! O.O so the alien drug moves itself to p.p.'s bike, after that, while p.p. is sleeping n having nitemare, the alien drug crawl all over p.p.'s body n den p.p. become black spiderman liao..
for green goblin, at 1st he is bad guy, then he go vs spiderman.. he lost to and he lost his memory partially, so he became gud.. but when he remember everything liao, he became bad again.. but in the end, he became gud AGAIN to help spiderman fite sandman and venom, and in the end he died =x ya rly!
So for venom, well i lazy explain =x go see the movie for urself! wahahah! and overally, i give it 8.5/10 rating u.u u should watch it =P
well, thats all!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
11:16 PM /
Whee, today i went to a nearby shopping complex wif my mum.. and GUESS WHAT! i bought God Of War 2!!! It's a veli violent game thou.. but dont worry i wont fade out! i used to be happy tree fren watcher mar xD and i oso bought another game called.. Rogue Galaxy! it's a very epicful role playing game, according to the cover la.. haha.. i tried it and it's nice! XD its something lyk Kingdom Hearts, whereby u control the hero, there ll be other 2 fighting too.. in a real-time battle system.. yeah! GOW2 FTW!
After that me n my mum went to the cinema and OMGWTHBBQ!! SO MANY PPL QUEUE-ING SIA!! (sry duno how to spell it =x ) so i take the 1st queue while my mum take the 2nd queue, see who faster LOL.. So my mum's queue was faster -.- we were wanting to watch spiderman 3, but then it's too late.. COZ IT'S FULLY BOOKED!! WAAA!! THE DIRECTOR OF SPIDERMAN 3 IS GONNA BE SO HAPPY >_>
So we booked for tomoro's show which is at 11:50am! that means tomoro i skip sch lor xD anyway friday i HAV to skip sch -.- hope tht when tomoro me n my mum go watch spiderman that time wont hav TALL ppl sitting infront of us.. if there is, he/she would be blocking our view and i ll kill him/her for that, LOL jkjk xD im not that violent u.u
alright i guess thats all for today, OFF TO STUDY.. err.. AD MATHS! YEAH!! BB ALL
*goes off to audi <-cut it/ goes off to study* xD
After that me n my mum went to the cinema and OMGWTHBBQ!! SO MANY PPL QUEUE-ING SIA!! (sry duno how to spell it =x ) so i take the 1st queue while my mum take the 2nd queue, see who faster LOL.. So my mum's queue was faster -.- we were wanting to watch spiderman 3, but then it's too late.. COZ IT'S FULLY BOOKED!! WAAA!! THE DIRECTOR OF SPIDERMAN 3 IS GONNA BE SO HAPPY >_>
So we booked for tomoro's show which is at 11:50am! that means tomoro i skip sch lor xD anyway friday i HAV to skip sch -.- hope tht when tomoro me n my mum go watch spiderman that time wont hav TALL ppl sitting infront of us.. if there is, he/she would be blocking our view and i ll kill him/her for that, LOL jkjk xD im not that violent u.u
alright i guess thats all for today, OFF TO STUDY.. err.. AD MATHS! YEAH!! BB ALL
*goes off to audi <-cut it/ goes off to study* xD
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
My Maple History part 6
10:38 PM /
oh wow the history already reached part 6 O.O
i can publish a book like.. The History of a Mapler, Fungi!! LOL jkjk xD.. sure no1 will buy the book, if got la -.-
So anyway!! Part 6 is here liao! READY!?.... SET... GO!! walao, speed typing/reading meh, LOL
Ok, the previous episode.. The c.balrog ship.. it appeared right infront of fungi's blueish seductive eyes.. Suddenly, a Crimson Balrog appeared!! roaring like a lion, hitting it's chest like king kong, flying like nacho libreal.. and many more.. it charge forwards to fungi u.u
BUT!! in a blink of an eye, fungi dissapeared into the cabin.. wahaha! Right after that, he summons his beloved panda~ n the 1st word he says... a nostalgic "meh".. xD So then his panda, a nameless yet special panda, replied with "blehh.." -.- ok, 10 mins later fungi FINALLY reached Ossyria! the Land of.. err.. Chiongster!? xD So fungi oso chiong lor, but den he oso wan to slack.. -.-
While in the dilemma on whether to train or not, fungi went to stalk his buddies as usual, so he started with stalking chief.. who is in.. Cloud Park VI? or was it V? aiya dun care lar, its almost the same XD.. and so, fungi juz keep spamming while chief is busily training! wahaha, slow down her process of lvling up O.O cant believe im so evil that time.. then after stalking chief, fungi decided to stalk shooter.. who is ALSO in Cloud Park V/VI, but diff chnl -.-
So there they 2 share map, fighting against teh lunar n luster pixie (the monster who like to distract the player wif their sound even after they die) n so.. fungi started training there until lvl 60..!! omgoodness, so fast!! (fungi~!! u so yeng~!!!) oops sry, got too excited XD..
Eventually, shooter n fungi got bored of training.. even the chief is getting bored!! so the chief intro to them a program called 'Skype'! There, things are starting to get interesting again! coz now they can spam each other with VOICE!! YEAH! I MEAN REAL HUMAN VOICE! but then that time shooter no mic, so nvr skype with him >_> juz fungi n chief spamming wif voices ._. but chief keeps humming =x
and so, after that.. GUESS WAT!! SHOOTER HE.. HE!!..
to be continued ^^
i can publish a book like.. The History of a Mapler, Fungi!! LOL jkjk xD.. sure no1 will buy the book, if got la -.-
So anyway!! Part 6 is here liao! READY!?.... SET... GO!! walao, speed typing/reading meh, LOL
Ok, the previous episode.. The c.balrog ship.. it appeared right infront of fungi's blueish seductive eyes.. Suddenly, a Crimson Balrog appeared!! roaring like a lion, hitting it's chest like king kong, flying like nacho libreal.. and many more.. it charge forwards to fungi u.u
BUT!! in a blink of an eye, fungi dissapeared into the cabin.. wahaha! Right after that, he summons his beloved panda~ n the 1st word he says... a nostalgic "meh".. xD So then his panda, a nameless yet special panda, replied with "blehh.." -.- ok, 10 mins later fungi FINALLY reached Ossyria! the Land of.. err.. Chiongster!? xD So fungi oso chiong lor, but den he oso wan to slack.. -.-
While in the dilemma on whether to train or not, fungi went to stalk his buddies as usual, so he started with stalking chief.. who is in.. Cloud Park VI? or was it V? aiya dun care lar, its almost the same XD.. and so, fungi juz keep spamming while chief is busily training! wahaha, slow down her process of lvling up O.O cant believe im so evil that time.. then after stalking chief, fungi decided to stalk shooter.. who is ALSO in Cloud Park V/VI, but diff chnl -.-
So there they 2 share map, fighting against teh lunar n luster pixie (the monster who like to distract the player wif their sound even after they die) n so.. fungi started training there until lvl 60..!! omgoodness, so fast!! (fungi~!! u so yeng~!!!) oops sry, got too excited XD..
Eventually, shooter n fungi got bored of training.. even the chief is getting bored!! so the chief intro to them a program called 'Skype'! There, things are starting to get interesting again! coz now they can spam each other with VOICE!! YEAH! I MEAN REAL HUMAN VOICE! but then that time shooter no mic, so nvr skype with him >_> juz fungi n chief spamming wif voices ._. but chief keeps humming =x
and so, after that.. GUESS WAT!! SHOOTER HE.. HE!!..
to be continued ^^